How foot health affects our daily (working) life
In the course of a lifetime, they carry us around the world an average of four times: our feet. They stabilise and balance the entire structure of our body and ensure that all higher-level structures remain in equilibrium.
THE PERFECT INSOLE ➔Thanks to their 52 bones, 26 joints and countless tendons and muscles they get us from A to B hundreds of times a day, especially for people who do physical work. On average, a person has taken about 175 million steps by their 80th birthday – and has most likely complained of back, knee or neck pain more than once during this time. Without considering the fact that their feet are most likely to blame, or rather, their degeneration.
Dr. med. Matthias Manke explains.
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Just under a quarter of the 206 bones that make up our body are found in our feet. There are 26 bones per foot, plus 33 joints, 20 muscles and 114 ligaments.
THE ANATOMY OF THE FOOT ➔For professionals, the feet even reflect a person’s state of health. This is about far more than just statics. Athlete's foot or nail fungus, for example, harbours the risk of the body constantly having to fight against an infection. If the immune system is weakened, it can be compounded by bacterial infections, which in turn causes particular discomfort for diabetics. Swelling of the lower legs and feet – so-called lymphoedema – can be a sign of a weakened cardiovascular system, especially if there are brownish deposits. Swelling in joint areas can be an indication of an acute or chronic joint problem. If your sense of feeling in the feet is weakened, this may indicate a nerve disorder. For all these reasons, regular examination of the feet is recommended, especially for those who do physical work. If you discover anything unusual, your first port of call should be an orthopaedic practice.

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